Launching the Columbia Startup Lab!


If you hadn't heard- over at my day job as Columbia's Director of Entrepreneurship, our team was proud to recently announce the opening of our Startup Lab downtown in Soho. It's an incredible space built-out in partnership with our friends at WeWork and in true collaboration with our various partners at Columbia's Business, Engineering, Law, SIPA and College and their respective Deans. We currently have 71 young Columbia alums representing all of these schools running approximately 40+ startups in a gorgeous location. Naturally we've layered mentorship, programming and office hours into the weekly operation of the Lab and it's been a great start for everyone. Columbia University, after it's initial beginnings in downtown Manhattan, (at the Trinity Church Schoolhouse in 1754), some 260 years ago, finally has returned downtown with this awesome satellite location. Naturally, it took this massive tidal wave of university entrepreneurship to encourage us to commit to this big move- so all power and credit to the unstoppable force of entrepreneurship.

Enjoy the video describing what's going on:

Also, here are two great links (articlewebsite) if you want to learn more about the emerging companies working hard on their businesses at the lab.