Venture Studio (20): Ari Jacoby, CEO of Solve Media

If you're curious about what kind of entrepreneur it takes to get funded by the likes of Chris Dixon, Roger Ehrenberg, Aydin Senkut, Brian O'Kelly, First Round Capital and AOL Ventures- have a listen.

I recently sat down with 3x entrepreneur Ari Jacoby, CEO and co-founder of Solve Media. Ari's a super-smart guy who somehow found time between various startups to work at Reed-Elsevier and Google. In our talk you'll hear just how he's positioned Solve to replace traditional CAPTCHAS in a very clever manner that actually generates revenue for publishers and improves user experience. Enjoy.

There are two videos following. The one just below is a description of Solve's product:

For the full interview click on the image of Ari below:

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